Application of robots are able to speed up the productivity because the detailed, monotonous or dangerous tasks can be finished with them very effectively. Production becomes more predictable and the cost of a unit or product can be significantly reduced.

The best pairing: human and machine next to each other
The main task of the collaborative machines of The Universal Robots, Fanuc and Kuka is the direct support of the human labor processes. Collaborative robots are able to cooperate safely with colleagues while machines can do the dangerous or monotonous tasks instead of them.

Mobility and flexibility in one robot
A Mobile Indurstrial Robots (MIR) képes önállóan mozogni a gyártócsarnokban, ezáltal forradalmasítva a megszokott logisztikai megoldásokat. Segítségével elkerülhetők a költséges torlódások az anyagáramlásban, így növelve a termelés hatékonyságát.

The new generation of the cooperative robot accessories
Robot accessories manufactured by OnRobot simplify automation and are compatible with a full range of cooperating robots and light industrial robotic systems.
Robotiq’s flexible robotic arms and sensors can also be used to perform collaborative robots for special tasks.

High level energy saving and minimized maintenance time
Ultrasonic welding can dramatically increase the efficiency of work processes, as it can be applied quickly, yet its maintenance time is low. Since 2008, we have been serving our clients as the exclusive distributor of RINCO ultrasonic devices, typically in the food, textile, plastics, medical devices and automotive industries.

Feeding parts and systematization for the fluent production
An essential part of automatic assembly and inspection equipment is the component-specific technology dosing and sorting units. Design and implementation of complex automated systems, production cells, production lines, automatic equipment in partnership with the German Grimm Zufürtechnik.

Industrial automation
